Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Emotional Vomiter - Part 5 of 5

You are a great girl with so many amazing qualities. In a lot of ways I feel a lot of guys search the world to never find what I found in just a few emails, a phone call, and a couple of glasses of wine....and for that I consider myself a lucky and thankful man for having met you. I consider our time, although extremely brief, a time worth having. I've never faced a situation in my life that I didn't quite understand but yet I knew I was completely ready to jump....and jump for you I would have.

I'm not trying to say I wanted your hand in marriage, to be exclusive, or even serious, but even just as friends getting a drink once a month or something, I would have enjoyed that as much with time as all the girls I seem to be finding meeting. I don't know...I guess for me dating is an expensive habit. If you're not a guy trying to score with girls, which I'm not, then it just seems like a waste unless its with people you really enjoy and like. I've dated smart girls who weren't goofy enough to have fun, I've dated successful girls that were too rigid to be spontaneous, and I've dated gorgeous girls that end up being superficial sorority types that rely on the outter things to make up for the void of the inner. I've dated christian girls who had a lot to offer, but weren't balanced enough to share much of the other things in life that I have fun with and enjoy. Point is, I've dated all types....and then I've talked to you. You had so much of what I'm looking for, and I've had enough opportunities in life to be with and around girls enough to know it's a rare package to find. I couldn't/can't help being excited for that, for you, and I am sorry if that excitement turned you off. I guess in a perfect world that would be a positive thing and not a negative thing...and you would see it as a compliment worth receiving as appose to an obstacle worth dodging.

I think on paper we really match. I would love for you to read over my profile one more time, answers, your answers, mymy emails, and anything else and tell me what there is that you don't truly agree with. Its all real, all me, and all genuine. I assume yours was too.... I just think on paper its perfect. Beyond that, well....we didn't have much of a chance. Like I said, you were getting me with no strings attached. We could've talked once a week, once a month, you could have continued to date....all of it. I had no expectations and thus don't see what you had to end it so matter of fact so quickly. There were other options you know :)

All that said, assuming I won't hear back from you after this....I'd like to end by saying this. Thanks for taking the time to read this. You didn't have to and it means a lot that you did! I appreciate it! :) Along with all the other qualities I know you deserve, I hope the guy you meet, eventually, is as open, willing, and able to pamper and spoil for every completely unselfish reason that can be thought of or created. Life is a long thing the only saying that is worth remembering is simply, "this too shall pass". No matter what it is, I promise it will go. Your beauty, his looks, money, health, your dads company, all of it will some day be gone. I hope your guy treats you as a priceless treasure to be enjoyed and cherished every day. I hope he makes you feel loved and adored everyday without making you feel smothered or brown nosed. There is a quote by Martin Luther Kind Jr. that I think is compelling and true...it goes:

"All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affect one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I become what I ought to be."

I hope your guy challenges you while embracing you, respects you while questioning you. I hope he pushes you and pulls you through life and all its many experiences. All this makes me seem so serious, methodical, rigid, and structured....but I'm not. I'm very laid back and easy going....apparently I just love sending you long emails making myself look a fool! :) haha...but, how often do I get to meet a girl that makes me feel like I am a fool? So, forgive me while I bask in a moment's feeling that is briefly passing :)

Again, I appreciate your honesty and respect you for saying how you feel as soon as you feel it. As you well know by now, I think the world of you and have a ton of respect for you. I think you're the most beautiful girl I've seen in a very long time, and that's the last reason I even like you. I hope you'll take all this as nothing more than a pure compliment. If you ever wonder about me, question this, or change your mind I hope you'll call me and say hi. I'd love to meet you for dinner or something sometime if you ever have a night free. And, for what its worth....about 10 of my friends are all going skiing at xxxx (an hour away from here) one of the next few weekends. Its kind of an annual couples thing we do. Some are married, one is engaged, and the other has a guy she is dating....I was going to see if you wanted to come. I know its kind of weird since we hardly know each other, and I have other people I'm talking to that I've known for longer that I know would love to go with me, but I really thought it would be a good way for us to get to know each other a bit more. Since I have the answer before I even got a chance to invite you, I won't do the dumb thing now and tell you about how much fun it will be... :) BUT, if you change your mind....again, I hope you'll feel ok enough to call me in spite of breaking it off with me now. Good luck and take care!

He signed with all of his contact information.

I did ignore this email. He sent a few text messages throughout the year. I responded one time when he asked why again. I said he was too intense and it was too much for me. I honestly hope he finds someone who is perfect for him.


  1. Your blog is pretty interesting. So is Yih's. Keep it up.

    Have you read Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson? I think you'd enjoy it.

    Good luck with the MBA. It's hard work but well worth the effort.

    Cheers from South Africa,

  2. Glad you liked it! I'm not as good at posting - Yih is supposed to hold me accountable but I keep getting distracted by life.

    I have not ready Cryptonomicon but will check it out!

    Thanks for the good wishes - I love every minute of the MBA
