Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Playboy's Grandson

I think I met the playboy's (or Uncle Pepe's) grandson recently. If you haven't read about Uncle Pepe, please read that post first.

I was talking with a guy recently about business. I'm not sure of what exactly lead to the following conversation, but most likely it had to do with men's jeans and startups (my new venture). In the midst of conversation, this guy tells me a quote from his grandfather (imagine Uncle Pepe right here).

My grandfather gave me advice when I was five years old that I will never forget. 1) Always work hard, 2) Always play hard, and 3) Always be hard

I had the exact same reaction as I did when I spoke with Uncle Pepe - I just laughed for a long time. Except this guy was a little sharper than Pepe and called me out on it!

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