Thursday, January 13, 2011

80-year old Playboy

While in consulting, I was on a conference call one morning with my boss. Our dear client was this 85 year old man in Brazil who has been involved and/or run the family business for ages. We were asking him a series of compensation policy/practices questions. At the end of the call he makes a big announcement that he has a question for me. Dialogue follows:

Uncle Pepe (yes, that is his name): "Liz, do you know what my current job is?"
Liz: "No, what is it?". I think he is a board member for the company or something similar.
Uncle Pepe: "I'm a playboy"
Liz: .... no comment can only laugh and pretend like it is not awkward as he says this in front of my straight-laced boss....
Uncle Pepe: "You should come play with me sometime"

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